Community Learning Projects
During Term 3 2023, the following CLPs have been developed by each of the School Teams attending the Alpine School Campus as part of their School for Student Leadership Program. These CLPs relate to their home and school communities.
Sunbury Downs Secondary College
Connect with the retired, by visiting a retirement village with recreational activities
Alexandra Secondary College
Towels for Pals – Donating towels for injured animals at the local Vet and animal shelter
Thornbury High School
Educating young people about good healthy and well-being lifestyle
Ballarat High School
Reduce contaminated paper ending up in landfill and ensuring it goes into the right bins
Matthew Flinders Girls
Secondary College (I)
Including an indigenous education Unit into the Year 7 Humanities Curriculum
Whittlesea Secondary College
Creating a positive collaboration with the nearby TLC Elderly Home.
Matthew Flinders Girls
Secondary College (II)
Teaching surrounding schools about different cultures within Geelong
Secondary College
Focusing on getting the Year 10 Camp ski program started up again in 2024.
Yea High School
Reduce landfill waste by donating plastic lids to the Lids4Kids foundation for prosthetic limbs
Belmont High School
Upgrading our native garden beds and seating areas for the Year 7 and 8 classroom area
The CLP is the curriculum thread that runs in an adjoining and continuous manner through the program. It provides the purpose for attendance and the motivation for departure. Students are intrinsically connected to their projects, which aim to deliver an action outcome of their learning into their home communities.