Family & Home
Key Days & Dates in the SSL Program.

Key Term Dates for 2025
Alpine School Campus
Term | DET Staff Start | SSL Staff Start | DET Students Start | SSL Students Start | Visiting Weekend | CLP Day - Friday | Student Departure | SSL Staff Finish | DET Finish |
1 | 28 JAN | 28 JAN | 29 JAN | 2 FEB* | 8/9 MAR | 28 MAR | 5 APR | 5 APR | 4 APR |
2 | 22 APR | 22 APR | 22 APR | 27 APR* | 31 MAY / 1 JUN | 20 JUN | 28 JUN | 4 JUL | 4 JUL |
3 | 21 JUL | 21 JUL | 21 JUL | 27 JUL* | 23/24 AUG | 12 SEP | 20 SEP | 20 SEP | 19 SEPT |
4 | 6 OCT | 6 OCT | 6 OCT | 12 OCT* | 15/16 NOV | 5 DEC | 13 DEC | 15 DEC | 19 DEC |
2025 Public Holiday Considerations:
Labour Day 10 March
Good Friday 18 April
ANZAC Day 25 April
Kings Birthday 10 June
Melbourne Cup Day 4 November
*Lieu days for public holidays 16,17,18,19 December
DET: Department of Education & Training
SSL: School for Student Leadership
CLP: Community Learning Project
{UPDATED: 2 FEB 2025}
Alpine School Campus Handbook
School & Program Information Booklet for Parents & Guardians
[Updated: FEB 2025]
Arrival Day.
Parents may need to plan ahead and perhaps car-pool to deliver students to the Alpine School Campus on the starting date.
Schools may wish to coordinate or support a coordinated travel arrangement to assist parents and students.
Families should plan to arrive between 10am and 12pm.
Appropriate casual clothes should be worn. We suggest that students and parents provide
their own morning tea.
Welcome & Lunch
On arrival, students will meet and be briefed by the student’s Alpine School Campus liaison teacher.
At 12pm there will be a short welcome for all families, which will be followed by lunch.
Time to Say Goodbye
Parents will be required to depart by 1.30pm.
If parents wish to stay overnight, there are various forms of accommodation available at Dinner Plain, Hotham, Bright and Omeo.
Travelling to Dinner Plain
Local Weather, Road & Snow Conditions, Fitting Snow Chains
& Cars in the Snow
PLEASE VIEW our additional advice provided for families to ensure safe travel by road through the Victorian Alps to the Alpine School Campus.
Departure Day
At the conclusion of the School for Leadership term program, guardians are requested to be at the Alpine School Campus between 9:00 and 9.30am, to participate in the departure program organised and to collect their child.
If you are delayed, please call ahead, as waiting can cause considerable grief for your child who may think the worst.
Departure Day Program
Specific details of the departure program will be sent out to families at a closer date during the term.
*Please note there is no lunch provided on the last day.
The Importance of Closure
It cannot easily be appreciated the importance of closure and departure for the students. Please avoid the temptation to pick-up your child early as they will miss an important part of the ceremonial conclusion of the program.
Visiting Weekend
The Visiting Weekend is a vital component of the SSL experience as it draws the family into the experience of the student. The Session takes place midway through the term.
Separation anxiety is often revisited for both students and parents. We feel it is worth the effort, as it achieves a shared understanding of aspects of the SSL experience for immediate family that needs to be shared face-to-face. This is a vital insight into your child’s experience which will assist you with the reintegration process upon their return home. We ask you give this session the highest priority in your family’s planning!
Fourth weekend of program
Families are asked to pick-up their child between 9:00am & 10.00am
Families are asked to return with their child between 1.00pm and 4.00pm*
Tea and Coffee are provided.
Please inform staff if you need to drop your child off before 12.00 pm midday.
*Note: Our program will resume at 4.00pm sharp.
Pick up and drop off to/from:
Alpine School, Great Alpine Rd, Dinner Plain
It is suggested, families stay nearby, and accommodation should be booked well in advance. Accommodation options and information can be found at the front office on Arrival Day. The internet will also provide a wealth of options for accommodation and activities in the surrounding region.
The Visiting session is for immediate family members only.
The School for Student Leadership experience is about an intense learning experience for the students. As such, parents and siblings, as the usual primary support for students, are really the most appropriate invited guests. Grandparents are welcome and we often see the bridging of significant generational gaps.
What if:
If any families are unable to attend the session, please advise SSL staff as soon as possible. Special arrangements will be made. In the past, some families have shared lifts or even accepted responsibility for a student if their family is unable to attend. We do, however, ask and strongly recommend, for your child’s well-being, that every effort is taken to participate and attend the visiting weekend.
Mobile Phone
Free Zone
Our program is designed for students to not have phones.