Community Learning Projects
During Term 1 2024, the following CLPs have been developed by each of the School Teams attending the Alpine School Campus as part of their School for Student Leadership Program. These CLPs relate to their home and school communities.
Lalor North Secondary College
Raising $ for the Cancer Council
Euroa Secondary College
Raising $ for the Blue Tree Project
Preston High School
Creating a Community Noticeboard
Alexandra Secondary College
Holding a Sports Day to raise $ for school assistance
Viewbank College
Year 9 to VCE brain breaks in class
Myrtleford P12 College
Hosting / organising a Culture Week.
Princes Hill Secondary College
Getting bands to perform & raise $ for the Lort Smth Animal Hospital
Yarrawonga College P12
Raising $ for the Food Bank.
The CLP is the curriculum thread that runs in an adjoining and continuous manner through the program. It provides the purpose for attendance and the motivation for departure. Students are intrinsically connected to their projects, which aim to deliver an action outcome of their learning into their home communities.